Ohio Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Cocktails

Take action NOW by respectfully asking your legislator to support legislation which reduces the tax rate on spirits RTDs!

DYK: Your favorite spirits RTD cocktails are being taxed SIX TIMES HIGHER than beer RTDs with the same alcohol content!

It’s time to modernize Ohio laws to provide fairer tax treatment for spirits RTDs and ensure more choices for consumers! 

Spirits-based ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails are booming, but in Ohio, spirits RTDs are taxed at a rate SIX TIMES HIGHER than malt- (beer)-based RTD beverages, even though many spirits RTDs contain the same or lower amounts of alcohol.

This state-level tax disparity is ON TOP OF a federal-level tax disparity, where spirits RTDs are taxed at MORE THAN TWICE the rate of beer- and wine-based RTDs.

All of this excessive tax burden falls squarely on local producers and consumers like you. Despite growing demand for spirits RTDs, a recent DISCUS survey found that nearly two-thirds (62%) of craft spirits distillers say they are not producing spirits RTDs due to these higher tax rates, which create a barrier to entry in the market.

Fair tax treatment will benefit Ohio consumers and boost small businesses, including the more than 70 craft distilleries in Ohio!

Take action TODAY to ask your legislators to support the inclusion of language into HB 33 which would provide more fair tax treatment for spirits RTDs.